Contact: mary.brasher@rrps.net

Frank Slife
JO Co-Conductor
Winds Specialist
Contact: frank@aysmusic.org

The Junior Orchestra (JO) provides exposure to full orchestra training for 70-90 dedicated middle-school string, woodwind, brass and percussion players from across the Albuquerque area. The Junior Orchestra performs exciting symphonic literature, while focusing on developing a united symphonic sound and developing more advanced technical skills.
WEEKLY REHEARSALS: Saturdays 9:00am-12:00pm (unless otherwise noted) at the AYSP Facility.
SECTIONALS: Junior Orchestra students participate in sectionals, during which each section works with a professional musician to assist them in preparing season repertoire and addressing instrument specific issues. Sectionals are held several times each semester during the regular rehearsal time with a variety of professional musicians from our community.
CONCERTS: The Junior Orchestra gives three performances each season – an informal concert at a public school in early December (a “School Tour”), a formal concert in December at an APS Performing Arts Center, and a formal concert in April or early May at Popejoy Hall. These three performances, along with associated dress rehearsals, are mandatory for all members of the Junior Orchestra.
SCHOOL TOUR: The Junior Orchestra performs annually in early December at a public school in the Albuquerque area as part of the Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program’s School Tours. The host school offers one or more assemblies in the morning (usually between 7am-12pm) for their students, during which the Junior Orchestra performs several pieces and students at the host school learn about classical and symphonic music. Junior Orchestra students enrolled in APS schools are excused from classes on the morning of their School Tour. Parents bring their students to the host school and pick them up.
Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program
4407 Menaul Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
PO Box 30961
Albuquerque, NM 87190